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Terry Armstrong helped establish Madison Montessori School in 1981, and she remained with MMS throughout her career until 2021.  Terry served and inspired numerous children, families and colleagues through her love of learning, care for nature, and devotion to our MMS community. Her memories of working with the children, their families, the staff and trustees continue to enrich her life.




Madison Montessori School, founded in 1981, is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit educational institution.  


The school offers a non-graded, educational program for children two and one-half to six years of age. The school is independent, non-sectarian, and does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, or ethnic origin.


Madison Montessori is a full member of The American Montessori Society.  We uphold the standards of trained Montessori Guides, multi-age classrooms, use of specially designed Montessori learning materials, child-directed work, and uninterrupted work periods.


We guide and give children support as they take their first steps as students.  This is their beginning-a time of discovery and wonder-a precious time of amazing growth and development. 




Our Montessori Guides, including assistant teachers, are Montessori credentialed. They provide guidance which is consistent and appropriate to the Montessori method. We build a caring community of children, families, and teachers.


  • We create a safe and loving environment where respect for each child as an individual is fundamental.


  • We, as Montessori Guides, seek to discover and nurture those unique qualities that exist in each child through our observations of each child's development. We serve as models for the children in accordance with the Montessori philosophy.


  • We work with each family in our school to support, encourage, and educate one another to benefit our children.


  • We work to increase awareness and appreciation for the Montessori philosophy.

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